Vocational Training - Donation
New Hope has 2 Vocational Training Centres. The older children and HIV Widows, who complete Non Formal Education see this training as a step towards self sufficiency out in the community at large.Price: 150.00 AUD
YEN 14,295.00Disability Assistance - Donation
Disabled children who need prosthetics splints, crutches and special home made bicycles to enable them to move around more easily. Your gift would be very welcome.Price: 75.00 AUD
YEN 7,147.50Clothing Gift Packs Children - Donation
This gift makes a big difference to the lives of so many here, especially the school children. All clothing is stitched by our on site tailor at the New Hope Rural Community Trust Vocational Centre.Price: 30.00 AUD
YEN 2,859.00School Supplies - Donation
An important part of the work at New Hope India is providing the children with an education. Your donation will assist in the purchase of school suppliesPrice: 15.00 AUD
YEN 1,429.50Library Books - Donation
Library books are an essential part of any school. At Kothavalasa there is a small purpose built Library which is also used a science teaching facility.Price: 7.50 AUD
YEN ¥714.75Children Support Donations is a wonderful way of supporting our New Hope work in a very tangible way. Children Support Donations to the New Hope India Relief Australia Inc enable us to continue to work for change with India’s poorest rural communities. Children Support Donations to New Hope India Relief Australia Inc are Tax deductible for Australian residents. GDR Status in Australia.

Children Support Donations