Aged in India – Aged in many Asian Countries is hard.
In Indi it is made heard by both cultural oddities called ‘caste’. The sheer poverty of aged person children (grown up married and having their own children- means no space for ‘Gran’. This difficult situation often means that aged women go and sit on street corners and beg. Both for money and not to be in a ‘house’ where they feel they are not wanted.

However as pitiful this is – now think that the aged women has lived most of her adult life in a Leprosy Colony and survived by going out and begging. Peoples mentality o giving is also part of Hindu custom. If you have a 10 Rupee note and give it to one person – that’s ‘one brownie point’.But if you give it out in one Rupee coins you have got 10 ‘brownie points’.
Just one good meal. In the leprosy colonies most people only eat two meals a day. Those too disabled or simply old depend on hand out from other bagging person as they return from street begging to the colony.
ONE MEAL – with A$30 we can give one good meal a day – balanced . nutrition It also means that they come regular out of their huts to sit with others to eat and the Paramedics who visits during these meals sees the aged who otherwise just don’t come out when ‘regular’ check ups are organized by New Hope Paramedics.